Saturday, January 9, 2010

Out with the old, In with the new

The skies were clear, and the explorer was in a state of peace. It was time to review her travels to date, and to bring her vessel up to spec - "shipshape" as they say.

She spent the afternoon reviewing her journal entries, adding special links and descriptive details to her previous posts using the blogging link tool and SnapShot. She wasn't sure how some of the tools would affect her Captain's log, but they were worth a try anyway. A bit of rearranging of the widgets and gadgets might also make the Blog run more smoothly, she thought, and so it was done.

She finished tidying her vessel with a TwitStamp, which, to her delight, came in so many colours! At the end of the day, the explorer decided to share a photo that she found in the blogosphere. She thought that this photo was a great example of WCYDWT - translation: What Can You Do With This? She thought it could inspire some wonderful lessons on the diameters, radii and circumference of circles in her mathematics lessons back in her homeland of Edutopia!

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