Monday, January 4, 2010

In the beginning....

There was a very confused explorer! She had spent nearly a month learning about all sorts of web 2.0 tools, but they were just a big jumble in her head! She even managed to write her first blog post on the edublogger educators pln , and called it Scrambled Eggs!

But something was missing - and then she realised - her brain was a massive mind map, with no core goal. But thanks to cheap advice found in twitter and google wave, this explorer cottoned-on to a website (or should I call it a web theme) called 23 Things.

Being a math teacher, the explorer thought this was a great hook or title for a website, so she traced the idea back to its origin - the PLCMC L earning 2.0 website. And although the website started at Thing 23, she was smart enough to look at the very bottom of the post for Thing 21 (she is a math teacher after all :) ).

And so the Journey has begun. Things 1 and 2 are accomplished. And the explorer, in her journey already made some amazing personal discoveries - like HOW COOL IS Articulate as a presentation tool to accommodate differentiated teaching and learning styles.....but, best leave that sideways journey to another day!

The teacher realised that the web 2.0 world was like a candy store, and she wanted it all...NOW! But words of fellow teachers kept gnawing at her...Keep it simple, start small! And so, the explorer determined that she must stay on course on her travels.

And now.......Destination Thing 3!


  1. Jennifer,
    What were the first two things and where is a link to the 23 things you are following?

    Sue aka tasteach

  2. Still working this all out - I know I should have created a link - I guess I will learn that later. The site is

    The audio files are FANTASTIC! I recommend this as a guide for getting new interested teachers on board!

  3. Oh, and the first two things were just to listen to some audio files and to get prepared to come on board!
